❤️ My birth story ❤️

I had hoped for a water birth throughout my entire pregnancy but that wasn't possible unfortunately as I ended up having to get induced at 40 weeks 6 days. 
Towards the end of my pregnancy I had developed a pregnancy related problem called cholestasis which is a severe itching over the body and also interferes with the liver working correctly.
On Wednesday the 11th of May I was admitted into hospital and had a tape with a gel put in my cervix to try to soften my cervix and bring on labour, by about 3am the next morning I started getting slight pains and felt as though I had urges to do a number 2 but it was like I was constipated.
I ended up going into the delivery suite at around 7am and at 8:30am they broke my waters and put me on a drip which releases hormones to start contractions and then it all began ! 
I remember the contractions starting and slowly getting more and more frequent and longer not going to lie I felt as though my body was paralysed when a contraction was happening especially towards the end when they went for longer and were more severe. 
During the labour I got fevers of 38.1 degrees and had to have three doses of antibiotics during the labour as well as panadol, we are unsure of what caused the fevers it must of just been my body's way of coping.
Towards the very end of the labour Aura's heart rate dropped dramatically and she had to come out and fast which was hard as she was facing sideways and I was finding it difficult to push as I was so exhausted so the emergency alarm was sounded and the room was flooded with doctors running in and preparing themselves and the tools they were about to use to get her out, it was the most scary feeling as I didn't know what was going on but just as the doctor was about to cut me I done a huge push and out she came just in time.
(It's amazing how in that situation the body just takes control and manages to do things that seem impossible) 
When she was born she got given to the other nurses and midwives as she wasn't breathing properly so she needed some extra assistance, after a while things started to get better and she was monitored by the nurses for her breathing.
The feeling when I knew she was ok was so relieving and I could finally relax :)
During labour the pain relief I used was Gas and Morphine, I also had sterile water injections in my back (which hurt like hell and stung like wasp stings) to help with back pain but it worked amazing after about 30 seconds of stinging all the pain went away it was great !
My partner and mum were in the delivery room and done such a wonderful job as support people for me and for each other, don't think I could of done it without them !! 
I ended up having Aura on the 12th of May 2016 at 2:57pm and she weighed 4100grams (9 pound 1) she was 51cm long and had a head circumference of 36cm.
I did tear naturally but not too bad (2nd degree) and had to have stitches but that seems to be healing up great. 
I am so proud of myself for the way the labour and delivery went and I think I done a pretty amazing job at bringing her into this world !! 
My advice would be to breathe, take warm showers during the labour if possible, have faith that your body is doing what it's made for, tackle the contractions head on and prepare yourself mentally and physically (get comfortable and suck in the gas just as the contraction is starting if you choose this pain relief), I ate lots of ice during labour and had lots of water to stay hydrated also which I think helped and just try and embrace the whole experience it is honestly so magical especially when it's all over it pays off 110% !!! 
I would definitely do it all over again ! ❤️❤️