Looking for advice

I'm looking for advice from other moms on here and hope I can get some. Whenever I seem to ask in the past on here I only get a few responses if that. But I don't really have anywhere else to get the advice, I've tried google but it's not much help. First off my baby girl is 11 weeks. I'm looking for advice that can either be used now or in the next few weeks. She's a colicky and fussy baby but in the last week or so it has gotten better. she sleeps in a swing at night and ussually has to be held all the time during the day. I'd like to try and get her into her bassinet or crib instead of the swing but need some advice on how to do that. She always needs motion to stay asleep (unless I'm holding her) I'm the one sitting in a restaurant gently shaking the stroller just so I can get through a meal with her asleep. Or rocking the car seat with my foot while I eat. Etc. how do you  go about transitioning her to not needing motion? Every time I try to set her down if she's asleep in her bassinet or somewhere, she wakes up within a few minutes. If I turn the swing off while she's sleeping she wakes up. I wish I hadn't gotten her into this habit in the beginning but I needed sleep and I did what I had to do. She isn't a fantastic sleeper, she gets one good 6 hour sleep in a night and then fusses from 4-6 am roughly.  The other thing I'm having an issue with is every single time it's time for a nap she fights it like crazy. She cries and screams even with her eyes closed. It's not like I wait until she's past tired. She only can stay awake for about 45 mins to hour between naps. I'm going to ask my pediratrition about this next week but has anyone else experienced that? What did you do? She uses a pacifier and has a lovey she sleeps with that smells like me as well. I do swaddle her at night and during some naps during the day (if I am home etc)