Birth story, he's here!

Finally decided to share my birth story. My due date was may 19th. Well all that day I was feeling a little achy like I have been for the past few weeks. I lost my mucus plug at like 2pm. Continued to play with my 19 month old son outside the rest of the day. Well after super I noticed I started having contractions at 8pm that ranged from 3 to 8mins apart. Decided I should go get checked out at 8:30pm due to the intensity level of the contractions. Well my fiancee and I dropped our son off at my mom's at 8:45pm and then we were on the way to the hospital which is 20 minutes away. One the way, my contractions grew in intensity and were very close together. My water broke at 9pm while I was in the truck. As we pull into the hospital parking lot, I told my fiancee that baby's head is out. He ran inside the hospital and got a wheelchair and nurse. The nurse quickly transferred me from the truck to the wheelchair and ran down the halls with me to our room. Once we got to the room I was still sitting in the wheelchair and trying not to push but baby was determined to be out. Time of birth was 9:07pm. He is 100% perfect. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20.8 inches long. Definitely one crazy story but I wouldn't change it for anything, just hope for future pregnancies that I don't go that quick tho.