
So my boyfriend and I have been ttc for about 6 months and haven't succeeded yet. But I have a situation with my pcos that I am wondering of anyone else has experienced. So in January 2013 I went on the pill to regulate my period and I the bleed heavy for 5.5 weeks ended up in the hospital for two pints of blood. My doctor had me do the depo shot to stop the bleeding which it did. Three months later I teed a different pill and three week period although not as bad so went on depo to stop again. Did depo for a year and in the beginning of 2015 went off depo completely. After the second shot I lost my period and it didn't get it back. So my doctor had me do the progesterone challenge. I bleed then from the pills and then the next month again but then nothing. I went back June of last year and we did another challenge same result. My ultrasound looks fine so she sent me to the ob they put me on clomid for 6 months which I was regularly having my period. Once the pills stopped my period did to. I have tested hormones and they are not out of sync much. And I have taken a pregnancy test and negative result. So please help I am going to talk to my family doctor and I want to see what she can do so what questions should I ask.