D&C today

Had a miscarriage last Monday the 16th. I bled really bad and passed clots the night of and a little the day after. Since then it had started to taper off. Then at 4 am this morning I woke up in horrible pain. It felt like labor contractions. I was bleeding heavier than when the miscarriage started. I had an early dr appt so I waited for that and he sent me right over to the hospital to get a d&c done. I was losing so much blood I couldn't walk cause I kept feeling like I was going to pass out and the contractions were so bad. The dr told my family I had a clot that was so big he even had a hard time getting it out and the pain I was in was my body contracting trying to push it out. I am hoping after I heal from this I can try and get back to my normal life. I miss being able to take care of my son and spend the time with him I normally do. I just want this physical part to be done with. I know the emotional will take a lot longer to heal from. Especially since I was a little over 14 weeks and had felt the baby move before I lost it. I honestly don't know if I will ever completely heal emotionally.