Poorly baby

Ok so my LO is now 3 months old. She was diagnosed with congenital tortocolis which prevents her from turning to one side, I have to do physio on her at least 4 times a day which isn't little cute massages like I imagined but I have to force her head over as far as I can and hold it for at least 20 seconds and she screams like I'm stabbing her, I then have to pull it to tilt the other way. So this obviously upsets me as it breaks my heart to hurt my baby!! Then she had a scan on her hips at 6 weeks as this can be linked to tortocolis, her hips were slightly underdeveloped but it didn't seem a big issue, she then had another scan at 12weeks where they were still underdeveloped. Now she has to wear a pavlik harness which if you google is very restrictive and just pretty upsetting. She has to wear this 24hours a day for the next 5 weeks at least!! I feel blessed that it's all not as serious as it could be, I can't imagine what parents go through when their little ones are hospital bound etc but I am really struggling with it all the same!! All you want is for your LO to be healthy and I just feel like crying all the time over this :( I don't know what I expect people to say to help I just kind of needed a safe place to rant 😩