How do I ease these cramps??


I've had my period for about eleven years now (I started really young lol) pain has just gotten worse and worse, especially when I got on birth control and even more so when I got off of it. I've always been the type of girl to just push through pain, but it is getting way too bad to do that anymore.

I have tried so many things. I have made socks full of rice that you put in the microwave and put on your tummy. I have heat packs and cold packs and pain killers. I drink a ton of water every day. I've tried working out.

My pain gets so bad that it makes me nauseous and dizzy. Sometimes I can't walk. It lasts through my entire period. I've had to take days off of work before because I was in too much pain and couldn't stand up without getting weak. Nothing has helped.

My gyno said everything healthy. We don't know why it hurts so bad, but I'm tired of it. If any of you have any tips on helping with the pain I would really appreciate it. : (