I hear wedding bells

Amy • Been with my love since 2/26/2010
Hello all I need some advice ! So I have been with my bf for 5 years now and we have been through a lot we have lived together for almost 2 years and now we recently moved in with my grandparents because of financial issues we had at the time (he got into a bad accident and totalled his car) so he couldn't work for a few months and I go to school. So I was talking to him about a future wedding just talk and I asked so when do u plan on being engaged just out of curiosity and he says within a year ! I am so shocked he said it and now that's all I can think about ! Although I think we should wait to get married after we move out of my grandparents house I do on the other hand think it would be appropriate to be engaged while living here (I plan to live here until I'm done with nursing school so for 2-4 more years) I of course wouldn't say no if he did ask me but do u think I should tell him to wait until after we move out for that next step ? I want to get engaged but want to want to do it when it is the right time is there ever a right time ? I think I'm over thinking this.