Low milk on one side

So I've noticed in the last week my daughter has pretty much hated eating on my left side sometimes won't do it unless she's in a football hold which isn't very easy cuz she's 3 1/2 months old, and I can clearly see the difference in size between my left and right... At night I always feel like I have no milk at all she woke up at 2am last night and I tried to nurse her back to sleep but it was jus hurting my nipples cuz nothing was coming out it had been only 2 hrs since she had nursed last, so I gave her some formula which she hasn't gotten very often but she wouldn't go back to sleep... Now she has been sleeping for 5 hrs and I jus pumped both sides my right I got 4 1/2 oz and left I only got about 1 oz... Anyone have any ideas what I can do to increase the left and increase my supply in general cuz the afternoons to night time I always feel like she's barely getting anything even from the right... Morning is the only time I feel full and can feel my let down now, I use to feel it all day every time but not anymore