Support belt

I am about 19w and feel so awkward with my bigger belly already. I feel like it's stretched so much and am having lower back/hip pains. Has anyone used a support belt with previous pregnancies or this one? I want to buy one but don't want to spend a lot of money or end up getting one that doesn't help...
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Google "Kinesio Taping" 💗👶🏼💙 


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Mine was only about 10 pounds, not sure how much it works as I do still get a bad back but thought it was worth a go 


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I work as an orthotist in the UK health service (I make/supply all kinds of supports from insoles to back supports in maternity belt) maternity belts should be reccomend by your dr first who can advise what you need as there are various kinds for different issues.


Posted at
I have bad hips and being pregnant Is definitely not helping. My doctor recommended a maternity belt, I bought one from a medical supply store. It has helped a ton! Especially if I am up walking for a long period of time.


Jessica • May 27, 2016
I think it was $40. However if your Dr writes a script for it, your insurance might pay.


Taylor • May 27, 2016
Did you spend a lot on it?


Gabby • May 27, 2016
then im getting mines 😊 thanks


Posted at
I'm in the same situation with my 1st pregnancy I didn't have to worried about buying one but with this one doctor recommended but I don't know