Netflix for the broken hearted

I'm going through my 1st real breakup.  My boyfriend of 10 months and I just recently broke up after he made a very bad mistake.I put my heart and soul into the relationship and we are currently trying to be friends but I am obviously dying inside. Iv spent every day with him for the past almost year and we basically live together now I'm just trying to cope and restart.  I don't know what to do. But right now I find myself curled up watching the hart of Dixie on netflix but I could really go for a movie. Any good breakup movies anyone knows of on netflix? Something to get me pumped and motivated to love the single life and be the strong independent woman I know I am inside. Netflix doesn't seem to have much to offer but there's got to be something. HELP! Oh and also any tips on eating again. I already have a hard time eating without a broken heart just because of poor eating habits. I'm a college student with a very small appetite. Iv lost 5lbs in 5 days and now my bmi is approaching 18. I look really skinny right now and I want to eat but I only like to eat healthy food and find it hard to eat meals already. In the past week I would say iv only eaten 1000 calories, the majority of those being sugary treats. Since I haven't been eating, I actually can't eat now. I feel like barfing when I just put a little food in my mouth. I managed to warf down a Panda Express kids meal yesterday with brown rice and tofu. I'm a vegetarian so it's not like I can order takeout and indulge on orange chicken and chow mein(I think that's typical breakup food) I just want to eat something so I don't lose too much weight but also don't want to gain anything. But don't know what to munch on without upsetting my tum. A good healthy recipe for comfort food, something I can pick on would be excellent. Thanks for the support ladies:)