Rude belly comments

Has anyone else gotten any rude comments about their belly size? Too small or too big??? 
Today while I was at work I had a client ask me how far along I was and proceeded to tell my my stomach was way too big for being that far along. I'm 17 weeks and 4 days with my first. I made a comment that it goes up and down in size. The lady was still insistent that my belly was way too big and was I sure I wasn't due way sooner?? Truth be told I had excruciating bloat and gas last night and today which was the real reason... But come on... How ridiculous that I should have to explain myself?? By the way I've gained 6 lbs  and still jog 3 days a week/ stay active. At first I wanted to cry and then I was just pissed. Also I am a nutritionist at WIC, literally my job is to help moms and kiddos stay healthy. People have no boundaries at is what my belly looks like today when I got home. This isn't what I was wearing all day btw. Just needed to vent 😑