Worried mommy-to-be

Jaime • Blessed with my beautiful family❤️
Ladies, if you pray, please pray, if you don't, please have us in your thoughts.. I'm 29 weeks pregnant. Expected due date is August 13th.. Today I found out the love of my life, father to my child, my WHOLE world, has cancer.. He's 18 years old! About to be 19 in two months.. His cancer is called either non Hodgkin's or just Hodgkin's lymphoma.. It's treatable.. He's still in the "twilight zone" where he's not fully grasping it.. For the past 2 months we've had 7 ER visits due to pain.. Day before yesterday I got the call he was back at the ER and I thought they were gonna do the regular, -give pain meds and send home- like always at that ER.. But no I leave home to go to him and they hook him up to the IV for fluids, say he's dehydrated and admit him.. Then they couldn't decide if he had a kidney stone or something wrong with his appendix.. Then they say he's got "spongy kidneys" well they keep running tests and do ANOTHER -CT- scan and do the contrast and we find out he's got pneumonia and fluids all thru his abdomen and in and surrounding his lungs.. So they tranfer him to a bigger and better hospital (yesterday) and then today they tell us he's got a blood clot in his artery at his upper intestine.. They wanted to take some lymph nodes to run a biopsy on.. They did today.. At at around 3 pm this afternoon we find out he's got cancer.. And it's almost everywhere! 😔 they sent off the other lymph node for a secondary opinion from a bigger lab, but the doc assured it here.. They've given is papers to read up on it and everything.. I believe in God but if you believe different, please by all means pray, or think good vibes for him.. I'm so scared.. I go Tuesday for a OB appointment at the other hospital in this city.. And he won't be able to go.. That's when he should get the results back on the other biopsy.. All I can think of is our son.. And how this will affect EVERYTHING! I'm scared he won't be strong enough to help me when I go into labor and after that and all.. I'm so worried.. Please pray, or think good vibes for him.. He's more worried about his son than himself but I promised him I'd keep little Leon safe.. Please have Trevor in your thoughts and prayers.. He's my everything.. I hate seeing him like this.. 😭💔