Birth Control & Blood?

I'm 16 and on birth control. I started it may 11th, which is when I got my period this month (and I know many of you might think I'm not supposed to take it the day I get my period and I should take it the Sunday after, but I have a new type of bc, my doc told me, and that I take it the first day of my period). Anyway, I was doing great with it and I was taking it every night. That is until the 23th. I left my pills at my moms house and I was sleeping at my dads house. So the next day (24th) I got home from school at my moms house and took the pill that I should've taken the day before at two o'clock. That night, like normal, I took the pill again for the correct night at 9:30. The next day everything way normal until I got home and went to the bathroom to see that there was some blood in my underwear. It was a significant amount, but not enough to go through my pants, and it was very brown and thick (almost like brown discharge). That was the 25th, and I had just gotten my period exactly 2 weeks before. Now it is four days later and I'm very confused. I can tell that there are pieces of my uterine liningg shedding but there really isn't any blood amount with it. It's been four days like this and I'm curious if this is my period, or just withdraw from the pill... HELP!!