
I'm 40+5 today. Had contractions all day yesterday and called my doc after they were 5 min apart (1 min each) for almost 2 hours. They had us come in to L&D and we got there around midnight. So exciting!! 2 hours of monitoring later I was sent home. Apparently the contractions aren't strong enough and I'm not dilating any more as of yet. The resident said that my cervix is still very thick (50%) and that it will probably be at least several more days. (which is strange bc my doctor said I was 80% early this week)
I'm just feeling so down in the dumps today. I've already been struggling With being over due, I'm just so uncomfortable and so ready to meet my baby. I'm tired of people calling to see how in feeling or asking if there's a baby. My next apt is Tuesday (41+1) and then my doctor will talk induction. Looks like my May baby is becoming a June. 
Sorry for the rant/vent. I feel guilty talking to friends/family about this bc I know how lucky i am to even be able to carry this baby and have kids. Just get here already baby!!