Diastasis Recti

Anna-Grace • Married mama to George ❤️👦🏻
So apparently I have this. My tummy goes into the telltale cone shape when I try to get up off my back. Pretty upset about it as I'm also overweight (40 lbs overweight pre pregnancy and up about 20 thus far in the pregnancy at 30 weeks tomorrow) so I figure mine will be much harder (impossible?) than the average person's to get rid of after birth. Is there anything I can do now to help it from getting worse than it currently is? I've been doing prenatal yoga once a week and just read that down dog, cat cow, and triangle poses worsen diastasis recti...great, I've been doing all of those. I'm also pissed my midwife hasn't brought up diastasis at all. I already know to avoid crunches, planks, and using my abs to roll out of bed. Anyone know if there are any exercises I can do to help with this condition? Anyone else overweight had it and was able to improve it after birth? I'm terrified of being stuck with a freakish belly with a huge gap in between my muscles! :(