Bestfriend Breakup

So my best friend and I always go to this camp, ever since freshman year (oh highschool). We have been looking forward to it all year and 3 months ago, we signed up, and I paid for myself and her since she doesn't have a job. This morning I texted her to tell her how excited it was for camp!!!! And she asked what date the camp was so I told her "the 22nd through 24th" and she says "Oh. I can't go". She won't go to camp because it starts on her boyfriend (of 1 months) 's birthday. I paid for her!!! And we've been so looking forward to it!!! Now I have to have meals alone and share a room with a stranger and have a harder time finding my classes. But mostly I'm heartbroken because this new boyfriend came before a life long friendship..... We talked about it and she acted like it was no big deal, and made it obvious that the bf comes before me. Thoughts ladies???