I'm hurting right now 😪

Maliyah • 23 | Employed | I Got This💅🏽
What would you ladies do in my situation? Your boyfriend for a year and some change all of a sudden out of the blue starts acting definitely towards you and when you finally ask him what's wrong he tells you that he's in love with a female from his past and they just started talking again about 2 weeks ago but y'all have an apartment together with a lease for a year and your pregnant with his baby! So y'all come to the agreement that he will take over the lease because you can't afford it by yourself and neither can he but he says it's the least he can do since you don't want to live there anymore because y'all still have a whole 9 more months to go on the lease and then you as the woman decide to get an abortion and you tell him about your decision and he doesn't even try to stop you!!!!!!!! WHAT WOULD YOU DO???!!!!