Enough for emancipation?

Hi, there is some parts of the photos blacked out of the picture for privacy reasons. I wanted to know if these pictures will be enough proof for helping me getting emancipated. Top left & middle pictures are the two sinks in my house turned on hot and not working because my house has no heat/hot water for the past 2 years.The top right is what my mom likes to call the "paddle" which relates to the middle left photo, my 5 year old brothers arm from my dad hitting him with it for crying. The middle middle photo is my dad attempting to use a ladder to turn our electricity back on at the pole after months without payment. The middle right and whole bottom row are my most recent discovery, inside my moms "jewlery box" were tampon applicatior sticks which had powdery substance (cocaine) all inside of it and the bottom right photo is me researching to see if it was a popular object for sniffing cocaine.