I am soo over this pregnancy already!!

(If you take the time to read this, i have a heavy sarcastic side....please take lightly) Well I am little over 35 weeks and needless to say....I'm soooooo done. I'm in constant pain here or there (yes baby that is my ribs and diaphram, oh and yes, you located my hip for the thousandth time today), I can only do so much before I just feel sick, and I just want to breathe again. I have asthma and my son passed on his cold to me and I just can't shake it. The "approved" antibiotics can suck it already. My lungs feel and sound like I've been smoking and toking all day and are heavy and filled with crap that won't budge, except I haven't enjoyed any of those pleasant side effects that come with those activities (if you've been there and done that, then you will get my reference) But.....then....a moment later panic over comes my mind that I'm having two babies......do you really want them out that bad?!?! Oh life, you can be a fickle bitch :)