lost & confused & hurt

Please no harsh comments. I have beat myself up plenty already. 
I am 27 weeks and up until this point I had decided to keep my baby. It seems the closer I get to my due date, the clearer reality becomes. Pregnancy was unplanned and I am not with the father anymore. He is going away to school, is excited about baby, but will not be around much. He has told me that he has a lot of thinking to do about our relationship. That I am fantastic but there are so many women out there and he doesn't want to miss out. It hurts to hear that. I am going to be living with his mother after I deliver as my own mother and I do not get along well. He's okay with that because he won't be living there. 
I'm 15 credits away from a bachelors degree but have to move in July and won't be able to finish at the university I'm currently attending. I have no solid plan. I feel inadequate. I feel like a loser. 25 with no degree, no job, and living with my ex boyfriends mom. The father will be successful, I know. I'm afraid I won't be good enough to be a mom. I'm afraid I'll be an embarrassment. I have no confidence and very little faith in myself at this point. 
Living with the fathers mom is something else that isn't ideal but is my best option. I'm just very lost and scared of catapulting my baby into an agonizing situation. 
I've started considering putting him up for adoption. I want to be strong and I want to keep him but I'm so terrified that I won't be good enough for him.  That I'm not strong enough for motherhood. 
I have no one to turn to about this. This app & prayer is really all I have right now.