Born on her due date!

🌹Jackee🌹 • Mother and stepmother to 5 amazing kids! Im married to the 6th kid lol, we are ttc #6 for our family!.
My story: I started having really bad contractions again at about 5 am yesterday morning. I had just gotten over the awful contractions from having my membranes stripped two days before and being sent home from L&D because my cervix wasn't dilating any more than 2 cm. I get up to walk around and try to understand what's going on this time. I did not want to be sent home from L&D with no baby so I just stuck it out, hoping for some sort of a sign and then my water broke at about 6:45! I woke my husband and we were on our way. As soon as I got to the hospital I was dilated to almost 5 cm and my contractions were so strong and so close together that I knew I was just going to die lol. I waited and waited for my epidural to arrive all in the meantime crying and squirming and yelling at nurses. (I couldn't help it!) I felt so bad but didn't care because the pain was so tremendous. Finally I was dilated to 9 cm and my epidural came marching through the door like a night in shining armor and I was able to rest for about an hour. My doctor came in and said it was time to push so I did and my beautiful baby girl was born! She came at 10:45 am weighing in at 7 lbs and 5 oz, May 28 2016! Ladies, please welcome, Miss Genevieve Scarlett Parker.