Idk about this app....

Seems like this isnt the greatest place for TTC women to go to when their frantically staring at a pregnancy test and taking 400 pictures wondering if the faint line they saw was actually there or if their nuts. Which i will happily admit to being that woman.... Taking 3 tests a day during the first year TTC, then year 2 being so emotionally draining that you feel worthless and hopeless. When you dont have extra money to pay for all these fertility treatments. And you feel alone, very much alone. supposedly find an app that claims to have other women who are ttc and you think they prob get the same feelings as you do. Until you get hateful comments on your posts or treat you like your in the wrong place when ttc and cycle tracking is what this app is for....correct? I see so many test pics some of which are too low of quality to accurately read yet ppl will say they dont see anything but dont mention the fact the pics blurry or use their logical thinking skills to know that when you upload a photo it isnt going to be rhe exact same quality as on your device screen. Then, depending on the screen of the viewer, it could look black and purple when its really grey and pink. Lol yu know what i mean. I think there needs to be something done with the way you upload pics, and i think ppl should know exactly what a woman/couple go through when there unable to get pregnant as easily as others.


Unless a pic is posted under faint lines, and has the words "do you see anything" or "do u see what i see" you. Then you can ANSWER THEIR QUESTION. If someones posting a photo saying its positive, dont comment saying "i dont see anything" they didnt ask if u did or if the pic showed anything. Who are you to say theres nothing when all u can see is the photo? Especially when its posted under another category, read the posts....and answer the way u would want someone else to answer you. Its amazing to me how ignorant some ppl can be. Unless your actual eyes are there, you cannot give accurate answers.

That is all! Remember to support your other ttc women here and respect everyone's back stories. You dont know what others go thru. And nobody's life or situation is the same.