Really need some advice ?

Hi all I really need some advice. I have been with my husband for 4 years, married nearly 2 years. We have been through a lot together and in the last year I've had an ectopic pregnancy and a miscarriage (I had to deliver the baby at 10 weeks) well recently we have been arguing loads and all he does is sit on his games console and play video games. He will only watch tv with me if it's something he likes and I can only watch a few programmes then he is on the playstation again. He stays up all night and will go sleep during the day so we hardly spend time with each other and when we do we will always argue about something. When he's all loveable it's amazing and I couldn't ask for anything better. When he loses on the game he starts shouting and throwing his controller or smacks it on the bed then loses his temper when he breaks it. He has also broke 2 televisions from losing his temper then he will start blaming me and threaten to break my stuff and starts calling me horrible things that I wouldn't dare repeat. I don't know what to do because I love him so much he's my everything but I just feel like I can't do this anymore I have health issues that means not getting stressed out because my medication won't work if I'm stressed but I'm also stressed or frustrated because I feel like I have to walk on eggshells! He also judges every meal I cook so I refuse to cook for him anymore. He tells me he loves me every day but I just don't believe him anymore. He had ADHD but I still struggle to deal with it. Any advice would be great. Thank you in advance