
Samirah • 😘 Future Neonatologist or Pediatrician👩🏽‍🎓
I know you shouldn't talk bad or behind your families back but my auntie I swear does to much. I love her to death don't get me wrong but My auntie posts EVERYTHING on Facebook and its irritating, just today and all the other times she posts things that is happening every 5 seconds damn near in her life. She posted pictures of things she got my cousins for PINK and tagged me In it like I wanna see that shit that ain't right especially if the person is not there during the event. She don't even BUY half the shit she post like from PINK she let them steal it. And then she post it like it bought it lmfaoo. She uses everyone to get the stuff she wants like her bills paid and all that. She don't even work she lives off a hustle, she uses the money from my cousin father to pay her bills, she also uses my grandfathers money and doesn't do a damn thing for him really if u ask me, he stays I her basement your supposed to respect your elders right? That pisses me off and the fact that my cousins have missed about 4-5 weeks of school since they been gone away in Alabama, I don't understand why would u leave out of state when it's school still going on? She did this the last time and they were trying to kick my cousins out of school because their mother keeps them in the house or take them out of state. My older cousins doesn't work his like 21 his the same age as my brother and my brother is currently training to become a forest fire fighter man. While my cousin sits at home all day playing the game. Come to think of it went I'm with her she doesn't buy me any thing like she buys her daughters but food really, I appreciate it because I love food tho but I always feel like an outcast and stuff. But I'm not her daughters so hey I can't complain on that level.  She just wants her kids to parade around like they got it like that but their not doing nothing in school. All she cares about is STUFF STUFF & STUFF, education isn't on her mind for her kids. Just speaking my mind that's all if it's to much for you and you feel a certain way well I'm sorry😕