Grown women flirting with teenagers...

Not sure where to post this so I went with Health and Lifestyle.

I was at a football presentation last night with my hubby who coaches the under 14's team. There was another group aged 16-17. This female parent who was there with her 12 year old and had a 3 year old there too was massively flirting with some 17 year olds. Very touchy feely, she was drunk on pints of beer and had been drinking for about 6 hours. She wasn't watching her kids, letting her 3 year old run around the pub so other people would watch him. But it just disturbed me that her and her sister were flirting with the teenagers! She was trying to flirt with my hubby whenever he went to the bar. Her age I would say by looking at her is late 30's. Not sure if she has a partner because I've never seen her with one at these events.

Anyone else think it's massively inappropriate for her to be flirting with teens?