My birth story (natural)

My plan was to try my best to have an all natural unmedicated birth. I told myself if I needed any drugs or epidural I would do it but I wanted to at least try to do it without at first...My first child 12 years ago was induced and I had an epidural before I could even experience the pain of contractions or try. My labor then was almost 2 days and I had a threatened c-section due to stress on the baby. I had a 3rd degree tear and hemorrhoids from pushing for hours.. This time I really wanted to try my best to let things happen naturally and let my body do the work. I told my Doctor I had no plans to induce unless it became absolutely medically necessary. My due date was May 12th. 
On May 17th, I had an appt and was 2 cm 50%. On May 18th morning, I started having mild contractions, they were between 5-9 min apart consistently all day. I lost my mucous plug around lunchtime and had a bit of bloody show. The contractions were manageable so I continued to just labor at home. I told my husband I didnt want to go to the hospital and be sent back home, so I bounced on my birth ball, took a walk around the block, picked up around the house, and just breathed through each one. I expected the contractions to be more intense but they were just bad period cramps that I could focus and breathe thru. I cooked dinner and ate and took a shower, then around 10pm, we noticed the contractions were consistently 5 min or less apart and picked up slightly in pain. I called the dr and was told to come in to L&D to be checked out. 
We arrived to the hospital about 11:15pm, my contractions had definitely increased in pain but they were still manageable. They took me back to the triage area about 11:30 and checked me. I was still only 2cm but 80%. I was disappointed since I had been laboring all day! We told the nurse we wanted the water birthing room but she said my sons heart rate was having  some decels  during every contraction and until it stabilized I had to stay on the monitor. Then all of a sudden about 15-20 min later, my contractions became almost unbearable and 1-2 min apart. For 30 min I continued to try and get thru them but they hurt so bad I couldn't stand it. They offered me some IV pain relief which I agreed to, but before they could give me them they had to check me again. They said just in case because if I'm more than 6cm they don't like to give it. The nurse checked me and I was 8cm!! They immediately called the on call Dr. To tell him to get there quick. Unplugged everything and started to move me to the delivery room. While rolling to the delivery room I had the overwhelming urge to poop! Nurse put her hand down there and said I was 10 cm and baby's head was right there. We got in the room at 1:05am And I kept telling her I had to poop. The dr wasn't there yet. They had me move from the bed I was in to the delivery bed. I stayed on all fours and had 1-2 contractions. I felt him moving down and then Turned on my back. She told me that if I could wait to push, wait,  but if I had to push to go ahead and push. I couldn't hold him in, he was coming out without even pushing. I felt a contraction come on and I pushed two-three times and out he came. My water never broke and broke as he was coming out. I didn't experience the ring of fire some people mention. Just a moment of really painful pressure. Nurse delivered the baby and maybe 5 min later Doctor came in.. I had a small 1st degree tear on the side of my vaginal opening that required 1 stitch. No hemorrhoids! Yay! I couldn't  have asked for an easier delivery! If I have a third I will definitely go natural again. The intensity of the contractions gradually increased and were so much easier than on pitocin and my recovery has been great! Hardly any pain and 1 week pp I've already pretty much stopped bleeding! Very very light flow 
Introducing Pierce Samuel Born May 19 1:16 am 8lbs 2oz 20 1/4 inches long