Baby Blues problems

My beautiful baby girl was born on May 24, I was 41w4d, scheduled for induction but went into labor the night before. My labor was easy, but now I am struggling with the Baby Blues. I expected it, because I had it with all my children (this is baby #4). It hit me before we even left the hospital, I was crying and couldn't stop. My daughter will be a week old tomorrow and I have cried everyday since being home. The evenings and nights are the worst. I get upset that my pregnancy is over, even though I am thrilled my daughter is here. I miss feeling her move around in my belly, and I get sad knowing I will probably never experience pregnancy again. We are a combined family, and I have other kids to take care of, and I have irrational thoughts about the older kids getting hurt while outside playing or something and I worry about them now 10 times more than before. I am breastfeeding and my daughter wants to nurse about every hour to hour 1/2. That even makes me feel guilty because my other kids barely get to see me during the day. (I am not comfortable nursing in front of the older kids yet). I have all kinds of feelings swirling around. Like I said, I expected this because of having it the other times, but it has been almost 8 years since my last baby until now and I can't find a good way to deal with the Blues this time. To anyone that has had the Baby Blues, what did you do to help? I would love to hear the ways everyone has used to help cope.