Complicated is an understatement.

Listen ladies, I'm sure what I'm about to say will be... Mildly offensive to some, and understandable to others, so all I ask is advice, and please try to put yourselves in my shoes. 
My husband and I have been together on and off for 6 years, and we have split, separated and even filed for divorce within those years. Lately the behaviors from when I forget left him are resurfacing, and I want to split again. To make things worse my first everything... Including love has come back into my life. I'm so torn and confused as to what to do. My husband regularly over drinks and says the worst things you can think of, and it's breaking my heart and making me loose my appetite and just motivation to carry on. Tonight was tone of the worst, he (calmly) which makes it worse- said I'm (multiple) demaning cuss words and that I'm not worth the bed I'm laying in. And I assure yall, in the most humble way possible he does not deserve me. I'm trying so hard to stay and work things out but I feel like I'm loosing my will to function. Like I said, my first love is in the picture a little (just occasional check ups) because we've stayed strictly friends. But I feel like I'm struggling to survive and my soulmate is right in my face, and he's just waiting for me to grow up and move past this failed marriage. He's never asked me to do that but he's said that we are meant to be and will be. I guess I'm just asking how long did yall try to make things work in an emotionally abusive relationship? Is it a never ending cycle? Or should I try harder?