Cincinnati Gorilla Opinions

Izzie • Mommy of a boy and three girls 👦👧🏻👶🏻👧🏼
Okay. So I have mixed feelings about this issue. Many many people are saying that the gorilla should never have died and the parents should be held liable. 
Let me ask you this. If it were your child, would you just look down and say oh well, let my child die, It was my fault for not looking after him/her? I really don't think so. We are all mothers here and our motherly instinct is to protect our children no matter what. Another scenario: if a human being grabs your child like that, wouldn't you want to just strangle (not literally) that person? Why is it different if it were an animal? I truly think people value the life of an animal over the life of a human being and in this case, a child. The parents should be held liable yes, but that doesn't change the fact that their child could have been killed. No mean comments, just opinions please.