
Jess • I`m currently engaged to the love of my life. We are planning to be married on July 29, 2017. We are going by if I were to get pregnant it happens for a reason and we`ll handle it. 😊

I started nuvaring on 5/8 after switching from tri-nessa, which I had an odd cycle on due to not taking pill correctly which caused breakthrough bleeding/spotting which I counted as period for that pack and started nuvaring. I have had no issues other then slight spotting on 5/18 and some slight irritation in vagina but found to be from feminine whipes was using at time.

Me and my fiance had sex a few times (2x) Since putting in the ring. Dates sex occured: 5/10, 5/12 within first 7 days of ring use.

I took the ring out on 5/28 aprox 11-11:30pm.

I have yet to have a cycle since taking out the ring. Only some cramping and backaches.

No pregnancy symptoms of any type other then been a little more emotional at times. More snippy then anything and being bloated plus the cramps and backache since taking out the ring.

With the pill I always had a cycle after 3 days of being on the breakweek.

Should I be concerned or give it some more time?