4w and 3d

I need some help. 
I've been on birth control for about a year. For the month of October, I screwed up on when/how I'm supposed to take each pill. I would forget to take one, then I'd take two the next day, but a few hours after the time I normally take it. There were more than a few times I'd forget to take it at the normal time, and take it hours later. About two times, I'd miss two days taking the pill, and I'd take three the next day. I know it won't be affective that way, and you're supposed to restart a new pack, but I didn't. I got my period on the 21st of October. Only lasted a few days. I had sex the 28th and the 29th. Between the 30th, and November 1st, I forgot to take my pills, so I took 3 pills on the 1st. I have sex October 31st. Each time I had sex, he came inside of me multiple times. 
Since then, I've been feeling bloated, my boobs look and feel fuller, I've had horrible insomnia, restless legs all night, feeling really hot during the night, very moody and anxious, I had a very vivid dream about being in labour and having a baby, then I started "spotting" on Tuesday. I only see it when I check the toilet paper. It doesn't last all day. It stopped almost all day yesterday, but I saw it a little bit today. I thought it was my period the first time I saw it, but my period is never like that. 
I've been feeling super exhausted, hungry for everything insight, smell sensitive, and super itchy. Around my nipples have been itchy as well. 
I was worried, so I looked up all these symptoms, and everything pointed to being pregnant. 
I read, on this app, that not everyone experiences these symptoms. Some woman don't feel like they're pregnant, until they find out they are. Today I haven't felt sore boobs, cramping, nauseous, or anything like a headache, so I thought I wasn't pregnant. But after reading about other women who haven't experienced any symptoms at all, I'm not too sure about it. I do feel like I am pregnant though. I have this feeling of "just knowing," and I can't shake it. Can someone please give me some advice, or insight, on my situation!?!?