Feel like shit

I'm 6 weeks pregnant in a relation with a guy who already has a 9 year old daugther I have a 5 year old today  I was telling my 5 year old that she has to stard being more responsable because she was going to be a big sister just because I said that he got so upset And told me that he tought hes daugther was going to be the big sister and told me that I have to wacth the way I talk when I never mean it in a bad way I don't know where hes getting things from I don't have anything against hes daugther I try to help them as much as I can since she don't have a mom and this is the way he pays me by not trusting me I'm so
Upset he really
Broke my heart today he saw me crying and he left and he probebly going to dissapear the entire weekend.. I told him to call me that I need to talk to him today and he text me saying if I want him to come and pick up his stuff from my house Why is this happening