Unexpected good news!

Saw the perinatologist again today and the preeclampsia is holding steady. My blood work looks ok, and even though the protein is rising, it's doing it slowly enough that he's not unduly concerned. As a result, I can cut back the blood pressure meds to nighttime only (which is good because they make me a zombie) and we don't have to keep doing weekly 24 hour urine collections. Woohoo!
AND he pushed his estimated induction date from next week (when I'll be 35 weeks) to the end of June, at 37 weeks. We're probably going to make it to term! And since we thought we were having a baby next week, we're already ready to go. So we can just kick back until baby comes. 
I know this board tends to be full of stressed out, worried mommies, so I thought it would be nice to post something good. :)