Having 2nd child...

Bre • Mother to two beautiful little girls, Emily Rose & Audrey Violet. Expecting our third (& last!) May 1, 2017. :)
Okay... At first this is going to sound bad, just hear me out... My daughter will be 3 in February & for so long it was just her & I, as I am able to be a stay-at-home mom. My whole life revolved around her & honestly, I would have been fine if I couldn't have another child because I was beyond blessed to have her. I'm going to give birth to her baby sister on Dec. 16th via necessary c-section. For a good part of the pregnancy I secretly worried if I could love this baby as much as I love my firstborn daughter. Then I hated myself for even thinking like that. I guess it's just that I give every ounce of love I can to my daughter, I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much. It's hard to imagine feeling that way AGAIN. I'm curious if any other moms felt that way during their second pregnancy.
Oh, & the worry went away when I saw her face via 3D ultrasound a few weeks ago. I fell in love all over again.