Horrible scare last night :(

Last night when I was heading home from work some lady completely pulled out in front of me! I slammed on my brakes but we still collided pretty hard taking us to the next lane over. Air bags went off and both of our cars were totaled, mine wouldn't even start. I had to be taken to the hospital on a stretcher that they had me in for almost 2 hours and I had to get an X-ray of my neck and right leg (I made sure baby was protected). Unfortunately they don't have any over night ultrasounds so I wasn't able to see my baby and make sure he/she was okay but they did run some blood test and told me everything was still looking good. I'm so anxious for Monday to call my obgyn and get an ultrasound to truly see if our baby is still okay. My face hurts so bad from the airbag :(