Body shamers. 😭

Hey my name is Tania and 8 moths ago I became a mom of a beautiful baby boy!! ❤️ before I was pregnant I used to be super fit I did a lot of belly dancing and I enjoyed of lots of free time to go to the gym. I was 62 kilos before I was pregnant and during my pregnancy I gain a lot !! 😩 when my son was born I weight 90 kilos !! I was huge and tried to be good eating healthy.  I managed to loose 28 kilos ! Which I think is great ! But I still need to loose 10 more !! I see myself I. The mirror and I feel ok I'm still losing weight just not doing it as fast as when I was breastfeeding. My husband tells me I'm
Beautiful every day and I'm thankful for that but my mom is a different story she keeps calling me names lammiss piggy fat that I look gross no matter what I wear and pointing out every single thing wich makes me fee self obvious to the point that I don't like to go out anymore. She is sick with lupus so she can't take of my baby for too long she only takes care of him  4 hours when I go to work then I come home and I have no one to take of him so I can work out. 😢 it really hurts my feelings when she tells me all of theta stuff and I have told her a million times but she keeps doing it. My husband tells me to ignore her and that for him I'm perfect he says that he loves how our body's are changing cs we are
Growing old together. But still it's hard to the point that she just told me that my husband will cheat on me because how I look please tell me what can I do ? Or what am I doing wrong ?