Screaming Infidelities...

It seems like no one can be faithful anymore 😧... 
A while ago I started noticing strange behavior from my husband. Getting out of bed in the middle of the night and grabbing his phone to lay on the couch.. Then when I got up to ask him why he would make up some bogus excuse about not being able to sleep... But he would only go out there after texting someone and waiting for a response. Well one time I went to see wtf he was doing and he had his pants down, watching videos of someone.. I don't think it was porn... But a video she sent him. He would flip shit if I was anywhere near his phone and ended up putting a pattern lock on it, because he felt like I was going through it. 
This made me even more suspicious!! So... (This made me feel like a stalker..) I started paying attention to his lock screen and eventually cracked it.. I checked and holy. Shit. Messages from two different women, one being his ex gf... Him asking for pics, telling them he loves them and needs them.. Asking for videos of them.. And then asking for pics of his cum in return for videos of them touching themselves.. All sorts of crazy shit... I took pics of every message I found and had them printed out.. I was so scared to tell him I found them.. So I ended up waiting.. Well, he wanted to take a trip back home (military), and even though we had just been there he was really adamant about it, one of the girls lives back home. We went, he picked a fight with me one night and went out with his cousin to get away from me. That night I tell him that I know everything and he just keeps telling me I shouldn't have been in his phone. The next morning, I see a pic of the girl on fb and she was at this bar called  Tortuga... Well we had to go somewhere and needed the gps system, so I went to plug in the address. And in the most recent destinations I see the address for Tortuga, and immediately after I see the address for a hotel....heartbroken and angry I question him and he lies. Says that his cousins friends were having a get together at this hotel and then when he was at Tortuga it was before she showed up.... 😐
We decided to work on this... As we have barely been married 6 months and are expecting our first baby... He deleted the girl from home off fb and supposedly doesn't text her anymore... And he says he deleted the ex as well... But.. Last night at the dinner table, he opened his text messages and I glanced over and I saw his ex's name listed in the txt messages... Since we decided to work on this.. He hadn't been getting out of bed randomly or anything.. Well guess what he just did!! Grabbed his phone and an extra blanket and went to the couch.. Then gets mad because I go out there to ask him wtf he is doing and says "if I wanna be out here just let me be out here"... 
I was such a fool... Such a fool to believe his lying ass.... That's what I get... For believing that he loved me as much as he says he does.... 
*** I hate that you can't reply anonymously lol***
Thank  you all for your words of encouragment... You have no idea how much they help