Didn't think I'd miss nursing

My son is almost 6 weeks. I really want enjoying nursing even though it was going well but last week we ended up in the ER. My son had Pyloric stenosis (sphincter muscle in his stomach that opens to allow food to move into digestive tract was closed). He was dehydrated and had to have surgery that same day. His belly was full but he wasn't getting any nutrition. I wasn't allowed to nurse him since he would vomit. It was frightening. Thankfully it's a simple surgery. A hundred years ago we would have had to watch him starve to death. But still, watching my little man be so exhausted and limp from dehydration that he barely even cried when they kept poking him to place the IV was hard. And seeing that he was hungry and feeling my milk letting down but not being able to nurse him was hard. Watching him get taken away was the worst. I realized I had taken everything for granted. I wanted to nurse him again. I wanted to change many more diapers! My little man did so well but I struggled with my milk supply. I still couldn't nurse him. His muscle was still swollen from the surgery and we had to feed him small amounts at a time so he wouldn't throw up. Even though I was regularly pumping I started having a hard time. I've been drinking lactation smoothies and trying to keep my supply up. We are just now starting to nurse again and I am so happy. I missed my little man. 😊❤