Just a vent...

I concieved my sweet baby girl in a bad situation. I am happy and blessed to be her mommy, but her father basically attacked me, and had loaded weapons to intimidate me with to force me into sex. Needless to say, I'm single and pregnant with a horrible mans child. I love her so much, and can't wait for her to be born, but this is not how anyone expected to have their first child. He is for obvious reasons out of our lives, and thankfully so. He's a monster. 
I love this app because I get a lot of great advice, but it's very difficult to be going through this pregnancy alone. My family is wonderful. I'm a 32 year old educated woman, I have a great job, my own place, lots of love and support. It's things like laying in bed alone all night, feeling gross and in pretty and not having a spouse to give me comfort and support. I live upstairs and carrying in armfuls of groceries...its just very lonely. I think the worst thing for me is when people say "oh yeah you have to do daycare, you really have no other choice.." Which is true...just makes me sad. I wish more than anything I could stay home with her...but if we want electricity and food that's not an option. Just a sad vent post....much love to anyone that reads this!