Ovulation query

Is it possible to ovulate without obvious pain on one side and without seeing a positive opk
I have been having the odd stomach pain which is not unusual for me and not necessarily linked to my menstrual cycle. This morning I got a sudden sort of jabbing pain in my lower right side abdomen. I've felt a bit bloated and just tender. 
My cm is not clear but more of a creamy colour but it is very stretchy. Same for two days. 
I'm currently on CD14. 
I don't know exactly how long my cycles are because I had a miscarriage April 21st which was a pregnancy which happened the first month after coming off the pill. Then I had a period may 25th for 6 days. 
We have BD'd every other day almost from the day after my period ended. 
I dearly want to be pregnant again. And I'm so worried that I might not be ovulating? 
My tests second lines were dark but not quite as dark as the first line for the first few days following end of my period and now they are lighter? I thought they would be positive at this stage. I'm really worried and my husband is away from tomorrow