Stranger Danger

Alana • Las Vegan, early-thirties mama of 2 boys
Warning! Ladies in the third, strangers will be talking to you more than ever. I've never been approached by so many strangers in my life! I forget I have a huge belly in front of me and then I have complete strangers to remind me. At the grocery store, at the Italian ice shop, at a baseball game... 
"Oh, the baby is craving ice cream?"
 "Boy, it's definitely a boy."
  "Man, this heat must be killing you. When I had my first baby [insert life story here]."
I've never talked to so many people. Fellow pregnant ladies, we are truly blessed to be supported through our pregnancy, but I ask you, where will these kind strangers be when our teething one-year-old is screaming in a high chair at a restaurant? When we breastfeed in public? When our kid asks them a rude question? I wonder this as I'm being watched eat ice cream, watched as I pay for books, watched as I walk to my car. Watched and approached. Approached and talked to. Talked to and given advice on names and gender and cravings and heat.  Keep the kindness ladies. Let's hope that outlasts the stretch marks.