How are you ladies feeling ?9-12 weeks

I'm 10 weeks. 
And always worried since previous m/c 
My symptoms are like non exsistant now. They were insane 5-7 weeks. Slowed down 8-9 
Now I just sort of feel normal. I used to be insanely irritable. Now I'm just super happy go lucky. I havnt thrown up hardly at all. Just once in a while randomly. The only things I have are sore boobs which have considerably gotten less sore , and I'm super tired all the time. 
My first pregnancy which was full term, I was sick a lot my whole first trimester. 
The second pregnancy I was sick non stop till after the m/c 
This pregnancy has been so different. I saw a heartbeat at 7 weeks. So that took my worry away. 
But I'm 10 weeks now which is when I lost my last pregnancy. I'm so frustrated. 
Anyone else feel not pregnant at this stage in their pregnancy ? And everything okay ? 
Sorry I'm a super worried Wanda. 😫 😂