So annoyed!! Plus more!

Jasmine • 26 💗 happily taken by my love of 3 years💍 mommy to veya 👶🏽❤️

No negative comments please!

I get so annoyed by my so. He doesn't get how I feel. I try to explain to him over and over my feelings and he just tells me he doesn't want to argue. I'm not trying to argue I'm just trying to vent to him.

Well last week when he got paid he went and spent all of his money on random bs. Like a water purifier. No that it doesn't come in handy it's just why?? We usually split all of our bills in half evenly from rent, anf car payment, down to groceries. Well this week he blew his money. Making our car payment on me and leaving me with all the groceries.. on top of that we went to a birthday dinner and i got stuck with the bill. which left me with no extra spending money. I wanted to get my toes done and maybe get a cute outfit. Obviously bills and food come first. It's just he doesn't get where I'm coming from. He thinks that him paying half my car payment and insurance is taking his money from him. He has a bike but he doesn't drive it. It sits in the garage and he takes my car whenever he goes somewhere. He takes it back and fourth to work too. He drives it more than i do. So i don't see the issue in him taking half of each one. Am i wrong? I told him if he doesn't want to pay half then he can take his bike or the bus or walk. Bit I'm not going to get stuck with paying it all when he had it more than i do.

Added:.. honestly dealing with this makes me want to be single. I don't know why. I just keep thinking that I was happier then. I do love him, I just hate being the responsible one in the relationship. I want to have someone to lean on for support and someone to back me up. And he is never that.. I have told him this and he just tells me if I want to break up with him then do it. Not wait around. And it's not that I want to leave him. I just feel as if I were single I wouldn't be stressing over this.