My boyfriends girl friend.

Sarah • Sebastian Cormier ❤️👶🏼02•22•16👶🏼❤️ Taken 🔒💍11•17•14💍🔒
My boyfriend has this friend, who just so happens to be a female. We met on very odd terms, it was a long time ago and everything got sorted out but she called my boyfriends phone at 1am and I answered. She hung up. Blah blah blah, fights happened, I flipped out on them both. He never cheated, long story. Anyways, so recently I was talking to her about some issues she was having. She spoke about a guy friend she liked, who didn't like her back. And her ex best friend was trying to make said guy hate her. I'm pretty sure she's talking about my boyfriend, just have a feeling ya know? After we spoke that day, I left for the weekend and my boyfriend stayed "home". He slept at this girls house.  I was told he slept on her couch and nothing happened between them and they were just smoking the good stuff together.😉He told me about it and was very upfront, we talked about it and he agreed that it wouldn't happen again. (He didn't think I would have a big problem because I'm friends with this girl)  Now I don't know about anyone else but I'm young and have been through some shit, so I have really bad trust issues and insecurities. I sure as hell don't trust this little homewreaker and I'm not sure if I should trust him. Thoughts? Advice? 🤔