my COMPLETELY accidental all natural/induced birth story! ๐Ÿ˜…

Dahjale โ€ข 18. soon to be mommy to 1..... in love with my two boys forever.
I was scheduled to be induced wednesday june 1 at 7:30pm.... i was told to arrive on time, eat light breakfast... you know the drill. once i arrived, things got started very fast. i was shown my L&D room, told to undress. the doctors came in shortly after and checked my cervix. (at that moment i hadn't dilated any) still 1cm... i was given cervidol which really like a long white shoestring inserted and attached to cervix to help thinning of the cervix.... upon arrival to hospital i was only 50% thinned and 1 centimeter dilated. the cervidol stayed in for 12 hours, at 7 am the next morning they removed it and i was only 1-1/2 cm dilated & 80% thinned. around 10 am they inserted a balloon in the cervix and at that point it was a waiting game. 3 pm rolled around and the ballon fell out, at that point i was 3cm dilated. the doctors decided to break my water & boyyyy, shortly after that about 30 mins later the contractions were too intense. ย I had originally planned on asking for the epidural once I felt like my body just couldn't handle it anymore.... but i wasn't quite ready to ask for it yet. at this point it's about 5:45 pm and i'm leaning on the side of the bed crying to my mom... I told her I really felt like i had to stink stink, and shes like no baby its not stink its the contractions she made the nurse come in and check my cervix she said i was only 4cm dilated. ย at that point i asked for the epidural, the nurses came in and told me there were 2 c-sections being sone so the doctors couldn't come in to hive me the epidural until the c-sections were finished. I was originally going to wait until the doctors finished the c-sections. but then about 5 mins later, i feel the sudden need to push i told my mom i really had to stink and i needed to go NOW. still in bed i pushed one time and suddenly my babies head is out. my mom runs to the hall to get the doctors and nurses... suddenly they come and say yup she's in labor ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ well duh my babies head is in my hand. my boyfriend was outside downstairs at the time getting his heavier jacket from the car... so the doctors came in, pulled the lights down out the ceiling and things happened very quickly. I remember a doctor yelling omg she's doing it natural?? Im like oh god ๐Ÿ™„ ย at that moment i felt like i had to go through with it. I remember looking around the room, and realized there was no dayjohn in sight. i held my baby's head in until he arrived back at the room, then two quick, firm pushes later i met the love of my life... Cameron Elijah ๐Ÿ’™ life makes so much more sense now that he's here. the doctors laid him on my chest immediately after birth and my baby did not cry once!! im so in love with him, he's literally perfect!ย