Weight gain.


I have no idea if anyone else is experiencing this, and my doctor is not concerned in the least....just looking for someone to relate to.

I was overweight before pregnancy, but all of my tests and levels were great.

In my first 16 weeks I was sick everyday and my baby only likes fresh fruits and vegetables so I lost almost 30 pounds. Now that I am rounding into my third trimester I have only gained and held on to two pounds.

According to my glow information my baby should weigh about two pounds so I know that with the baby plus muscle, the extra blood, the placenta and everything else I'm carrying a lot more weight and baby than I have gained.

I am rounding out and other parts of my body are becoming more toned because I have kept up with my work and non strenuous exercise regimen. Is it at all weird to go from the hospital after Labor weighing less and feeling better than before?