Old love new flame?

Allie • Live so you never regret what you didn't do
Advice is desperately needed my emotions feel like flying monkeys from a circus right now. My ex and I were an extremely passionate couple. But some seriously shit happened and the whole thing went down in flames. It's been 9 months since then and we had lunch together yesterday to try and be friends. Lunch turned into swimming and cliff jumping after school and we had an amazing time. There were so many things that bothered me when we were dating that I would tell him about and he would ignore (he had a lot of emotional problems as did I). But while I was talking to him yesterday he kept talking about how much he's changed his life and turned his life around. I could feel myself sitting there going shit he's turned into the exact guy that I wanna be with. When he went to drop me back at my truck which I had parked at our school, we just sat and neither of us wanted to leave. We started talking about the past and both of us ended up apologizing profusely for all the things we did (we both made some pretty horrible mistakes). I ended up crying and he ended up serenading me in the bed of his truck with our song that he had learned on guitar. The night ended in us deciding we want to give it another try. But we have to keep it secret for a while and pretty casual because all of our friends would kill us or laugh for months and I just got out of a relationship and promised my mom id be single til I'm 18. What are y'alls thoughts? I want this so bad.