It's Not Fair...

My boyfriend and I live about 35 minutes away from each other. He has his own car and I don't. In order to see him all weekend, I ride down with my mom on Friday (she works in our hometown. The move was recent) and she'll pick me up and bring me home on Mondays. I stay with my cousin and my boyfriend picks me up and we hang out then he takes me back to my cousins at night. Now this arrangement was fine for awhile but it's getting old now and its barely the beginning of summer.

My mom is totally open to him staying here on the weekends but he doesn't want to. He wants me to stay at his house. My mom won't let me because he has no spare rooms and his mom has multiple cats which I'm highly allergic to. He keeps making excuses as to why he can't stay here.

I don't think it's fair that I am the only one sacrificing anything to see him. I miss my family and my own home when I'm away that long. He gets to go home to his house and always see his family. Plus, every time I go down, I've been paying for everything! I know his last check went to repairs and insurance on his car but that's also not fair. And now he wants me there more during the week so he can see me after work. In order to do that, I have to stay the night because my mom leaves for home at 2:00. I think if I stay during the week, he should come up here. He's saying his mom won't let him but, he's 18, and is not financially dependant on her. He pays his own car and helps with groceries. And she doesn't pay their house payment so she can't hold that against him either. How can I strike a compromise with him?