
I've been "talking" heavily I guess u could say to this guy for almost 2 years now. We are both juniors in high school and idk if that really has anything to do with our issue or if we just weren't meant to be. I have huge trust issues and I also have self esteem issues some of which I don't think he knew about. Last year an incident took place involving me and another friend of my and his where they both had sex with me I was okay with the sex but I really just wanted to have sex alone with the one guy but this ruined everything I lost a little trust and the other guy got the sex he had wants from me for forever. After this guy moved the other guy and his cousin started trying to come on to me any way they could last time something bad happened I was in a vulnerable place and was crying and they took advantage of that. When this guy found out he was pissed and ready to leave. I understand he has a right to be mad and he wants to leave but these guys never would have gotten I guess a "taste" of what it was like if it wasn't for him. He also doesn't understand when I was feeling low I was using sex to cope and he doesn't see that because it hasn't ever happened to him so he can't understand. We just had an argument about trust and we are always having petty little arguments. I love this dude with all my heart but idk if the stress and the loneliness and the dross it I feel is worth him but I am always afraid to lose him and I just don't now if I am stupid for staying with someone who doesn't show or maybe even act like he truly cares. Any advice please